
What does purpose mean to you? Do you feel you are living it? * Last

By February 12, 2018December 15th, 2024No Comments

What does purpose mean to you? Do you feel you are living it?
Last week I gave a workshop at The Assemblage Nomad in New York on: "Aligning with Life's Purpose"
Sometimes we look at purpose as this far away dream that once (if) we reach, we will feel fulfilled, and instead we feel the lack of living in our Purpose 
Let me share a Purpose hack that may change your life for the better:)
Consider that Purpose is not something we have it is who we are
Embrace our Day to Day Purpose: We are here to enjoy life. Living our Day to a Day Purpose is simple as feeling joy, giving ourselves the permission and time to do what we love, making others smile, and taking steps towards our Dream Purpose
Embracing our Dream Purpose: moving towards your big vision of being that world renowned expert in something that's meaningful to us, everyone in the world having access to education, healthy food, love, healthcare and abundance. 
When you hold space for Day to Day Purpose and Dream Purpose equally, we can live in the vibration of fulfillment and enjoyment daily, making a difference for ourselves and others on the way to our Dream Purpose. 
By sharing our purpose and asking others for help, we attract who and what we need to live our Day to a Day Purpose and Dream Purpose.
As we align in our Purpose it's called a Purpose Pivot and we are moving in the direction of what we want
Hope this makes a difference for you️*
Be the youest you
Comment with your Day to Day and a Dream Purpose below ️
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