
The Rise of the Sheroes is here. New blog about it my Bio. Who is

By September 20, 2017December 10th, 2024No Comments

The Rise of the Sheroes is here. New blog about it my Bio.

Who is your Shero? Shout out to all of you legends who are making a difference in the world and my life!!
I am grateful to say that I have the pleasure of being surrounded by so many Sheroes: 
Inspiring badass women who embody gentle power, love, intuition, and connection to source. (Or whatever you definition of it is:)
I have respect and love for all things feminine.
I wasn’t always fully embodying this though:
Yes I was a man who was scared of being in touch with my own femininity
Yes I had past self created challenges with women in the workplace
Yes I wasn’t present to the experience women were having in the workplace and in life
Yes I wasn’t being fully supportive of the feminine rising
And Yes, with the the support of certain women in my life and personal development courses I became aware of the opportunity I had to shift my own views and actions to elevate.
My feminine & masculine awareness started a year ago. I attended Return, a retreat that my brother and legend Zach Bell puts on at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur. That’s where I met my friend and coach, Rachel Rossitto and asked her to help me understand and support women in embodying their feminine, as well as my own.
She is a shining example of a Shero, a health and wellness coach who, through living her purpose, inspires women and men to strengthen their intuitions, nourish and empower their feminine souls.
Women like @racheloftherose and so many more, are giving the tools to to thrive in our true powers and live in alignment with our highest selves while breaking past patriarchal societal structures.
I believe that this is something that the world needs immensely at the moment, and I’m excited about the progress that is being made, with regards to balancing the feminine and masculine.
Let’s Celebrate the Sheroes in Our Lives.
I’m proud to support the mission of my friend and Lifestyle PerfectedFounder Lifestyling client, Gayle Jennings-O'byrne, the Founder of the Harriet Fund, a venture capital firm dedicated to mentoring, coaching and investing in Black and Latina Women entrepreneurs.
See the article in my bio️