
I’m blowing you a big kiss You make my life a dream. I’m so filled

By September 7, 2016December 10th, 2024No Comments

I'm blowing you a big kiss You make my life a dream. I'm so filled with love for you️ Until a year ago I had trouble finding enough reasons to love myself so I could love you. It was easy to find reasons not to. So I went on a journey taking courses like MITT, Sai Maa and experiences like to dig to core of where wasn't and pull it out. Last year's burn opened me up to non-sexual intimacy like I'd never experienced, this year's burn was like riding a magic carpet around with a big smile on my face and going from hug to hug of people I love and new people I fell in love with. I want you to know I see who you are, I love who you are and I'm here for you if want to deepen your own self love. Just message me. Thank you @shaebrockmusic for your movement.