
Ayahuasca: How I Shifted Into My Life’s Purpose

By September 30, 2017December 15th, 20248 Comments

I’m shaking, I’m scared, and I feel out of control. I am fully immersed in the spirit world. Although I feel vulnerable, I still fully trust the process that is unfolding. This is the beginning of my Ayahuasca journey.

For those of you who are not aware of Ayahuasca and its magical powers, it is a hallucinogenic medicine that contains DMT, which has given us transformative experiences since 3000 BC.

From the beginning of humankind, indigenous people all over the world have used plants for spiritual ceremonies. Ayahuasca is used largely as a religious sacrament. Users of ayahuasca in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with Ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples, like the Urarina of the Peruvian Amazon.

People who travel through an Ayahuasca journey report amazing positive effects, from finding out their life’s purpose, curing illnesses, and releasing trauma.

Some of you may be reading this and thinking, “Nadav, this just sounds like an excuse to get really high.” But it’s so much more than that. For many, including myself, it is one of the most powerful experiences that they’ve ever had. Rick Doblin, the Founder and President of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies in Santa Cruz (MAPS) says that Ayahuasca is penetrating American society, and its highly successful people, way more than any other psychedelic.”

I want to take you into the world of Ayahuasca, share my experience with you, and shed light on how this magical tea has changed my life. In the words of Graham Hancock, “There are all kinds of ways to challenge ourselves. Some people do it by climbing a mountain or scuba diving. The most profound and challenging ordeals are best processed by drinking Ayahuasca. It is, in a way, the ultimate adventure.”

My journey with Ayahuasca was one of the most enlightening, frightening, emotional, jaw-dropping, intense, and loving experiences that I’ve ever had, and I wouldn’t go back and change any of it. In fact, at the time of writing this, after 1 and a half years, I am headed back to the Sacred Valley in Peru to take part in another 10 day immersion with this plant. It was a beautiful life-changing process of rebirth and rejuvenation. Let me share with you how my experience with this magical brew unfolds.

In this moment, Ayahuasca permeates every cell in my body. I feel as if I am flowing. It is taking me to a place where the fires have been burning in my soul, where my deepest fears and shame are festering, and the place where the healing needs to happen in order to create space for more magic.  

A study conducted by the Beckley/Sant Pau Research Programme, reveals that certain compounds present in Ayahuasca actually stimulate the birth of new neurons. These findings open up a wealth of possibilities for future research into the magical benefits that this psychedelic tea provides.

I have connected with the spirit world before, through experiences like deep meditation and holotropic breathing ceremonies, however never like this. I know that I can either resist and suffer, or surrender to her beautiful powers and enjoy the process of self-discovery.

Ever since I made the choice to welcome her embrace, my life has changed in such a beautiful way.

Let me back up for a second, though. I took part in a, by-application-only, transformational program called, Entrepreneurs Awakening, with 10 successful and amazing heart-centered entrepreneurs, led by Michael Costorus and Dr. Dan Engle. The program involved a mastermind group and 3 shamanistic plant medicine ceremonies, with Shakruna and Ayahuasca.

In taking this program, my intention was to experience my emotions on a deeper level. I felt like I wasn’t enjoying the full spectrum of my emotions. Maybe I wasn’t allowing myself to? Have you ever felt like that? Emotions are meant to be experienced. When we embrace them fully as they are, good or bad, we open the doors for self-healing, and allow ourselves to create more space to love bigger, live bigger, and feel bigger.

In her book, The Secrets of NI: Being Your Ecstatic Self, Ananda Joy says that, “To fully be with all of your feelings from an empty, open, neutral mind, you need to avoid the habit of intellectually labeling your emotions. Emotions cannot be described, they can only be experienced.”

I have taken part in over 25 personal development group courses over the past 5 years. I love being surrounded by a room full of 50-150 strangers (every friend used to be a stranger right?) and sharing things you normally wouldn’t share with your closest confidants. That, coupled with exercises that expand and allow you to breakthrough the barriers that are holding us back from living our best life, is delicious to me.

These courses include Landmark, MITT, Sai Maa, Lifebook, Abundance360, A-Fest, Abraham Hicks, Singularity University, and many more. My life has transformed in a profound ways from this deep transformational work, however I didn’t expect the divine transformations that would unfold during my Ayahuasca journey.

I love and respect indigenous cultures and nature, so I was excited to partake in the wisdom and ceremony that they have been participating in for so many generations. In 2016, I lived in the beach jungle of Costa Rica’s Nicoya peninsula for five months. I had been reconnecting with nature, something I had done throughout my childhood, but had lost touch with, between the ages of 18-33.  

At this point in my life I was proud and happy that I had been able to reprogram my brain to feel a wide range of positive thoughts and emotions, 80-90% of the time. The other 10% of the time I felt  ‘meh’, however I never experienced feelings of deep despair or sadness anymore (more on that in another post).

Before I began transformational group coursework at the age 30, I was happy only 30-40% of the time, while 60%-70% of the time I had feelings of self-doubt, unhappiness, and loneliness. In fact, I spent a large period of my life in deep depression, contemplating thoughts of suicide. This was not the life anyone should experience.

According to UC Berkeley-based clinical psychologist Rick Hanson, you can train your brain to experience more happiness on a daily basis through a series of personal growth habits, during your workday and/or downtime, and this is exactly what I did.

Through thousands of hours of personal development work, I have been able to, step-by-step, create massive shifts in my belief systems and experience of life, with regards to my self-worth. I am grateful for these experiences, as they allow me to cultivate daily feelings of peace, fun, love, confidence, and happiness. I have learned to appreciate the past, enjoy the present, and have excitement for the future.

At this point, I am ready to do something mystical, something that scares me, something that I know will take me to the depths of my fear and my heart. In the words of Brian Tracy, “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”

I fly into Cuzco, Peru, and rent a villa in the hills with my soul brother and LifeStyling client, Eldad Oz, who is the Founder of Dance for Life. We spend a couple nights there and get to know the beautiful town, and the other men coming together for the Entrepreneur’s Awakening trip.

I have the surprise Passion Pivot moment with Christian, the CEO of HeroX on Sunday, and on Monday, we embark into the Sacred Valley. I remember the moment we arrive into the valley. It is breathtaking. I feel the history, the magic, and the presence of the Incan people. I feel the power of my ancestors, standing on the backs of the giants who brought us here. I am humbled to be here, and I know that we are in the right place, both physically and spiritually.

The Incas worshipped many gods and goddesses. The major Incan god was the god of nature, Viracocha, the creator. Major Incan goddesses included those of the earth and the sea. The Incas also worshipped many lesser gods and goddesses. These included the gods of the moon, thunder, rain, stars and rainbows. In my Ayahuasca ceremony, I would embody Viracocha…more on that later.

We check into a beautiful, rustic B&B called, Paz y Luz, and gather that night for the opening ceremony, led by the founder of EA, Michael, who is a dear friend, and a top transformational coach. I met him at Burning Man, in Camp Mystic. Dr. Dan Engle, a leading plant medicine psychedelic psychologist, and close friend, facilitates the ceremony.

And then there was Javier, our shaman, and author of the book, Ayahuasca, Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle.  He has spent many years, deep in the Amazon jungle, learning and connecting with plant-based medicine. He has devoted his life to celibacy and is married to the medicine, so to speak.

While on our trip, we are all on a special “dieta,” which is basically my vegan diet, minus the chocolate, coffee, and sexual activity. Vegans love chocolate, sex and coffee, everyone one knows that.

During the opening ceremony, we learn how the week is going to unfold. I am grateful, knowing that I am in the presence of masters, and that they are here to support me and lead me into unknown places. I feel empowered, scared, and excited.

We perform three ceremonies: 1 San Pedro and 2 Ayahuasca.

The San Pedro journey happens during the second day. San Pedro is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains of Peru and Ecuador. This sacred plant medicine is amazing, and is a ceremony that is unique for each person. It is known for its ability to open the heart space, helping us to connect with ourselves through our heart and beyond, instead of through our head. During my journey, I converse with the plants and the environment around me. I am actually having the experience of BEING nature, instead of being a spectator. I stand in the sun, watching the trees smiling at the hills, with plants growing on top of them. I trace all of it with my eyes, and feel beautifully connected to it all of it.

C.G. Jung sums up my experience perfectly when he says, “Your vision will only become clear when you look inside your heart; who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.”

Javier is a master. He knows just when and where to serve you. At one point, while I am lying down, wearing only a sarong, I have the experience of being naked in the sun. Javier whispers to me,  “Nadav, cover up the minimum please.” He then gives me some of the most simple and profound insights I’ve ever received.  He says, ”Look at the doors you haven’t been willing to go through in the past. Honor yourself for saying no at the time, and see if you’re willing to go through them now.” Those words change my life forever.

In the evening, we come down from San Pedro and I feel a much deeper connection to myself, the Sacred Valley and my brothers I was in ceremony with. As I go to sleep, I keep pondering Javier’s statement and contemplating what will likely be a much more intense journey with Ayahuasca the next night. I fall into dream land, wake up, have breakfast, and then we all fast from that point on, in anticipation for what is to come.

We spend the majority of the day in self-introspection. I spend my time reflecting on life, being grateful for what I have, and reflecting upon what is holding me back from being an even fuller expression of who I know I myself to be. I know that I have more potential, and I want to reach it. I have accomplished a lot in life, but feel as if I am living at a comfortable cruising speed of growth.

It is like being in a ‘great’ relationship, where we easily fall into a comfort trap. In this space, we are happy but don’t feel like we, or our partners, are growing in the same direction. Can you relate? After a while, we know in our guts that it’s time to move on, despite our fear of doing so.

Will Fredericks, a Sex and Intimacy coach describes this process best – “When we step out, create change, move things around and set new rules for how we want to live, we do indeed become activists for our own lives. It’s extraordinary work, and it does not come without feelings of discomfort.” It takes courage to step outside of our comfort zones and enter into the unknown, but we are all capable of doing it.

Given that the Universe is always expanding, our expression of growth is doing the same, even when we aren’t fully aware of it, like while we are sleeping and dreaming. Amazing things flow through us when we open our hearts to the magic of life’s possibilities.

While it is true that growth exists outside of our comfort zone, growth can also manifest itself from simply ‘being’, instead of always ‘doing.’ Within this space, comfort is at its finest.

As the sun starts to set in the hills, we know it was time for the Ayahuasca ceremony. We walk over to Javier’s beautiful house, next door to Paz y Luz, enter the temple, sit in our places, and Michael begins to lead a meditation. Sitting in a ceremony is a sacred space. There are…12 celibate men, ready to call in the spirits and energies, with open hearts.While in ceremony, we aren’t speaking, drinking, or eating. The only person that we are interacting with is ourselves, despite the fact that we are surrounded by others This is one of the most challenging aspects of the experience for me; the act of being with myself. Can you relate?

In our super-connected world, it is more important than ever before to create solitude. The beauty of being with ourselves more, notice I don’t use the phrase “being alone”, is that it allows us to tap into our true selves and our connection to everything. It is a deep internal process that generates important familiarity with our own alignment.

Matthew Bowker, a psychoanalytic political theorist at Medaille College who has researched solitude, says that, “It might take a little bit of work before solitude turns into a pleasant experience. But once it does, it becomes maybe the most important relationship anybody ever has, the relationship you have with yourself.”

How does is it feel for you to be with yourself?

What happens next is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. Javier comes around to bless us and feel our pulses, to gauge how much medicine each of us should drink. All that is going through my mind is, “Allow yourself to feel deeply and be generous with your breath, Nadav.”

As Javier walks up to me, I look up at him, and he says, “Nadav, allow yourself to feel and be generous with your breath.” I take signposts  from the Universe as guidance, as to whether or not I am on my right path in life. When we pay attention and are open to receiving these messages, beautiful things unfold in our lives.

The reflection that happens in that moment is one of the most affirming signposts I could have ever received, as if to say, “Nadav you are on the right path, you are aligned. Trust that this experience, although it is intense and scary, it is going to catch you up to what you have expanded into energetically.” A big focus in my life is to be vibrationally aligned, so that I can stay “tuned in, tapped in, and turned on”, as Abraham-Hicks would say. It is happening in this exact moment.  

A few minutes later, I kneel at the altar before Javier, look down at the swampy liquid that is is a portal to a spirit world, and drink. I gulp it down. It tastes so bad,  almost as if I am eating bark or sucking from a swamp, yet because of what it would do for me and it’s nourishing manner. I like it.

I go to lie down and wait for the effects of the medicine to take place. My mind, body, and spirit feel clean. I am very aligned and my thoughts are clear. Usually it takes 45 minutes or more for Ayahuasca to kick in, but it only takes 10 minutes for me to start feeling the effects of the medicine. I feel like it is permeating from my forehead, into every cell of my body, taking over, as I pensively, yet willingly let go.

At first, I am a little shocked and scared. I have never felt like this before. I am completely letting go of control and surrendering to the medicine. Sometimes our desire for control can get in the way of our ability to understand spiritual reality. The power of Ayahuasca lies in its ability to act as a strong mirror. Once we surrender to the medicine, control fades away. This is a pivotal moment at which the healing process starts to unfold.

I am far away from home, yet feeling safe, and it feels as if the expansiveness of the natural world is in one cup. If feels as if I am shedding layers of my skin and body, and am suddenly connected to all the energy in the world.

I start to lightly convulse and shake, while focusing on maintaining my breath. Although it is challenging, I remember how important it is to be conscious of my breath. The visuals start. With every breath, I release tensions, trauma and energy.I know that I am safe with the medicine and I feel grateful.

I then have the experience of being out of  my body. I am flowing through portals. I’m not sure where I’m going or how long it’s lasting. All I keep thinking is, “I am willing.” Next thing I know, I’m in the starry night sky, with 4 doors in front of me.

My grandfather is standing in front of Door #1, and a jaguar is standing in front of Door #2, my spirit animal that that I had previously connected with through holotropic breathwork, meditation, and 5 Meo-dmt. My parents are standing in front of Door #3, who, as you can imagine, I am a little surprised to see at this party. In front of Door #4, is my career. I know that by morning, I will be a new and best version of myself.

Sometimes in life we can either wait for the perfect moment, or we can dare to dive into the unknown. I know at this point there is only one thing to do, so I put on my explorer hat and dive in, head first, into this mystical expedition.

I’m standing there in the beginning of this at the entrance to a mystical interstellar gateway, ready to embark on my Ayahuasca journey. Although I am scared, and I am ready and willing.

Which door was I going to choose? All four doors bring up feelings of fear and apprehension. I look my grandfather in the eyes, and we walk through Door #1 together. My grandfather’s family was ripped apart and murdered in the Holocaust in Poland. To make a 4-year long story short, he and his family were pulled out of their house by the Nazis, taken into the streets, and were separated from his parents and sister, who were later murdered.

Because he was young and strong, he was taken to a work camp, where he was forced to perform 14 hours a day of hard labor every day, with very little food, ice cold conditions, sleeping on the floor with frequent beatings.

He managed to escape the camp, hide in the forest and with Polish neighbors who would hide him for short period of time. He later joined the resistance movement, where he fought the Nazis until the war ended. He was a total badass, however it took me some time to realize this. I had always felt like we were losers because of how much we lost, this belief shifted to knowing we are winners after many personal development courses.

It is fair to say that I was trying to make sense of the pain that my family had experienced, and my connection to it.

I was processing feelings of compassion and ancestral pain, and trying to reconcile with both of them. My parents grew up fairly poor, but through Ph.D. level education and hard work, they were able to raise me so that I could enjoy that  middle class life. Because of my high grades, I was able to get into La Jolla High School seminar classes, a prestigious program in one of the wealthiest zip codes in the U.S.

I used to carpool 30 minutes to school each morning and afternoon from my neighborhood to La Jolla. When I turned 16, I drove my basic Toyota truck to school, and parked next to all of the brand new tricked out SUVs and luxury cars that the other students were driving. I’m talking Beemers, Benzes, Denalis and many others.

This was the beginning of the rat race for me. The story and limiting belief that I create about myself is that, “I am not good enough, I am not one of them and I never will be.”

This was a blind spot (subconscious belief) that colored my life choices until I was 30.

I had an old truck, while everyone had new cars. I had to drive 30 minutes to school, while everyone else lived in the neighborhood. They had the best brand name clothes, I didn’t. In short, I felt like a loser.

Does this sound familiar to anyone who grew up in an environment similar to this one?

Limiting belief systems can be created by way of social comparison with others. Leon Festinger’s social comparison theory states that people have an innate drive to evaluate themselves, in comparison to others. These comparisons serve as benchmarks through which we make evaluations of ourselves. Oftentimes, these evaluations can rear their ugly head, in the form of limiting beliefs.

It’s not actually the comparison, however it’s our relationship to the comparison.

The late great, Louise Hay believed that, “We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience.”

This belief really impacts me, and I realize it traces back to the trauma, raping, and pillaging that the Nazis had inflicted onto my family and millions of others. This journey with my grandfather would be a profound healing experience for me.

We walk through the door: All of a sudden we are in a concentration camp in Poland. I look around and all I see is suffering, hunger, abuse, and the absence of hope. However, at some level, there is resilience. I can see, with my own two eyes, what they went through. I sleep in the crowded barracks on wooden bunk beds without mattresses, and I feel what it is was like to be in the camp.

I feel so much compassion that I begin to cry, and in that moment, my 30 something years of self-judgement falls away, making space for new, more empowering feelings of pride, self love, and confidence.

This is the magic of Ayahuasca; it is like 20 years of therapy in one ceremony.

The spirit of the plant came alive and was guiding me on a journey of healing and enlightenment. It really shifted my belief, with regards to how I had perceived my grandfather and myself. I now know that he is a winner, in every sense of the word. He had escaped the camp and beat the Nazis. In turn, I realize that my parents are winners, and that I am a winner too.

According to the new insights of behavioral epigenetics, traumatic experiences in our past, or in our recent ancestors’ past, alter the expressions of genes in the brain. In essence, the experiences of our ancestors become a part of us. Here is the beautiful part of this research: The mechanisms of behavioral epigenetics determine our strength and resilience.

This experience deeply impacts my life. It all feels so real. I am incredibly grateful for the medicine, in that it helps me release the limiting beliefs that I have, and replace them with empowering ones. The medicine has fulfilled on its promise with integrity..

Next thing I know, I am back in my body and in the room.

I hear the sounds of my brothers purging their empty stomachs into buckets beside them. Vomiting is a normal and expected part of the Ayahuasca journey. It is said that the process of purging is about giving yourself over to the plant, giving up control, and letting go of shame and stuck energy. Among Indigenous Amazon peoples, vomiting is normal, and is not so much associated with the effects of the tea, but rather is considered to be a ‘learned behavior.’

All of a sudden, I realize that I have to go to the bathroom. Like, “I’m gonna poop my pants NOW” have to go to the bathroom. Dr. Dan had given us these words of advice before the ceremony – “Never trust a fart.”

I’m being dramatic now, however in the state I’m in the idea of standing up and walking to the bathroom feels like climbing Mt. Everest. As anyone who has done Ayahuasca knows, I’m weighing my options of just going in my pants. I’m able am able to muster up the will and courage to crawl to the bathroom, as walking is not recommended during an Ayahuasca ceremony, because you can fall.

As I crawl, I start to feel like a jaguar, my shoulders weaving like a cat. I finally get to the bathroom, and I just let it all go, purging at the same time. It’s intense and feels very vulnerable.

I make it back to my mat and try to relax and focus on my breath. Javier, the master shaman, feels what the group needs in each moment, and begins to play Icaros music, masterfully. Icaros is the music of the plants. He starts whistling an ancient tune and beating his drum.

Something inside of me says, “That’s the warrior beat,” and the next thing I know, I rise out of my body as the muscular and all-powerful Incan sun god, Viracocha. I have all the traditional Incan dressings, including an axe. The sound of the warrior beat has me in this a mystical trance.

I look at my dear friend and spirit animal, the jaguar, whom I have been on many meditative adventures in the past with breathing, standing in front of the second door. The jaguar is a symbol of courage, self embodiment, strength, and means that you’re truly centered in your core inner power.  

I look square at her, she nods at me in understanding, turns around towards the door, and starts to walk through it, her majestic shoulders rolling back and forth. I catch up beside her, and we journey together through a winding trail, up the hill of the Sacred Valley. We are in a dance with the world around us.

I thought being in the Holocaust was intense enough, however this is where shit gets real crazy.

Animals start to emerge from the wilderness – snakes, insects, and birds begin to engage in this trance dance with us, as we continue to climb to the peak of the valley.

The warrior beat from Javier continues, fueling and guiding my mystical experience.

As we reach the top of the ridge of the Sacred Valley, the massive full moon presents itself beautifully. All of a sudden, a wolf appears in front of it and howls from the depths of its being, adding to the wildness of this adventure. I check in with myself to see if I’m still me.

What I receive is simple and profound. Being comfortable in discomfort.

To not know what would be coming next, to not know if I will make it back home, to my family, to the arms and bed of my partner. This whole experience feels very real to me, and the impact it has on me has stayed with me til this day.

This is what it is like to live authentically, on the edge of my own courage. The courage to be ourselves fully, is the path that leads to our eventual freedom and healing. In their book, The Psychology of Courage: An Adlerian Handbook for Healthy Social Living, the authors suggest that, “Not to venture is to lose oneself…availing oneself of possibilities, confronting the anxiety…results in increased self-awareness, freedom, and enlarged spheres of creativity.”  

Ayahuasca expanded my spectrum of courage and comfort. It increased my ability  to be calm, collected, and comfortable in situations, that otherwise would trigger fear inside of me. In fact, it is allowing me to continue to live, from a place of love in every situation.  

Through this experience, I understand what it means to live more boldly than I have ever lived. I sit atop ridge of the Sacred Valley with the jaguar, amongst wolves and snakes. This experience is an orchestra of perfect madness, and I smile about all of it.

In that moment, as I co-exist with the jaguar and the animals, I am calm, even though I am being shown childhood and ancestral fears. It looks like chaos, but I understand it, and find comfort in the chaos.

Life has been like this every since. I am more calm and at peace, knowing that we are eternal beings. I’m flowing with  and welcoming the adventure and uncertainty. In fact, I’m choosing it.

Instead of worrying about the future and outcomes that are not in my control, I can now say that I’m simply, “enjoying the discovery” of life.

It’s fucking beautiful, and it came at the perfect time, in this latest Passion Pivot. Keep in mind that a few days before this experience I am told that it is my time to move on from my secure dream role.

It’s hard for me to recall everything that happened after that moment. As the medicine starts to fade, and I begin the process of returning back to my body, I start to cry with happiness. I feel an overwhelming sense of compassion for anyone in the world who is going through physical and/or mental trauma. I feel compassion, love, and healing for my ancestors, and for all the beauty, blessings, and challenges that I have ever experienced, to-date.

I am grateful that the medicine shows me all of this.

My Ayahuasca experience lasts for a staggering 16 hours and I spend the remainder of the day and night resting and reflecting in bed. The medicine really had it’s way with me. Javier made me laugh as he walked out the ceremony saying of the medicine, “It’s humbling, not humiliating, but humbling.”

I attribute this experience to the successful transition I had made from HeroX to Lifestyle Perfected. It has been  smooth, professional, friendly, and beneficial for all parties.

Ever since Ayahuasca, I’ve lived life in trust and adventure, more than ever before. I’ve been able to build two new companies, Lifestyle Perfected and Compassionate Adventures. Within the first 11 months I’ve generated incredible founder and CEO clients, purchased $1 million in real estate, investing in lucrative environmental focused companies and achieved financial freedom. I will share much more about this in my upcoming blog posts.

What’s most important to me is that I’m doing it in a way that’s most aligned to me. I’m feeling flow, passion, and fun. I do what I want, when I want, where I want, and with whom I want.

My mission is for everyone to find their own alignment and fulfill their passions in life. In the words of W. Clement Stone, “When you discover your mission you will feel its demand. It will fulfill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”  

Sending you all the love and blessings.

Here is a beautiful blessing that Javier says at the end of the ceremony:

Thank you father, thank you mother.

Gracias padre, gracias madre.

Thank you for this ceremony here today in the company of my brothers and sisters

Thank you for all the blessings we receive every day, in every moment of of lives.

Thank you for the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Thank you for the waters in our rivers and oceans, in the snows and the rains.

Thank you for the air we breathe. Thank you for the food of every day.

Thank you for the love, friendship and kindness of family, loved ones, friends and strangers, close and far away, but always in our hearts, thank you.

Thank you Ayahuasca for all the healings, the visions and insights we have received today through you – may these gifts stay with us forever.

Thank you to all the teachers across time who have left behind the signposts for us to find our own way back to ourselves.

And last but not least, thank you to all the Incas of this valley – the mountains, the groves, the rivers, pachamama.

Thank you for bringing us here and welcoming us.

Thank you for taking such good care of us.

And thank  you for guiding us on our journey on this planet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here is the Lifestyle Perfected Structure:

So, let’s break it down. I’ll give you 3 steps I take when I’m shifting.

Step 1: Get clear on how you feel and what you believe about your current situation.

Step 2: Decide how you want to feel and what you want to believe.

Step 3: Write down the actions you can take to have this.

Step 1: Get clear on how you feel and what you believe about your current situation.

I take the time to really assess and identify my feelings, and the limiting beliefs I encounter.

Undesired Feelings:

  1. Suffering
  2. Anxiety
  3. Insecurity
  4. Self-doubt
  5. Sadness
  6. Loneliness
  7. Fear
  8. Shame
  9. Distrust
  10. Stuck

Limited Beliefs:

  1. I am scared, and I feel out of control.
  2. I am not worthy of happiness.
  3. I don’t want to let go of control.
  4. The past dictates my present and future.
  5. I am not on the right path.
  6. I am a victim of my circumstances in life.
  7. The external world creates my reality.

Step 2: Decide how you want to feel, what you want to believe and choose more empowering beliefs.

Desired Feelings:

  1. Trust
  2. Knowing
  3. Happiness
  4. Excitement
  5. Belief
  6. Confidence
  7. Gratitude
  8. Vibrational Alignment
  9. Self-worth
  10. Connection to source energy

Empowering Beliefs:

  1. I allow myself to feel deeply.
  2. I am open to new experiences that allow me to grow.
  3. I am connected to the energy of the Universe.
  4. I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life.
  5. By surrendering I create freedom.
  6. I trust myself others.
  7. I am aligned in my mind, body, and soul.
  8. I create my reality.

Step 3: Write down the actions you can take to have this

  1. Wake up each morning and journal about what I am grateful for.
  2. Continue being open to new experiences that allow me to be more present and in alignment with my core.
  3. Harness the power of my breath to allow for physical and emotional balance.
  4. Make a list of things that scare me and begin to schedule them in my calendar.
  5. Continue sharing my newfound realizations with family, friends, and clients, inspiring them to take the leap and face their shadows and re-ignite their light.
  6. Be more aware of how my body feels when I engage in behaviors.
  7. Notice when I feel out of alignment, honor those negative emotions, and then shift them back into alignment.

Questions for our inner being:

How does it feel to be with myself and spend time in solitude?

How can I connect more with my body and what it is telling me?

How can I shift my mindset so that I am aligned with what I desire in life?


  1. I am aligned in my mind, body, and soul.
  2. I am the creator of my reality.
  3. I am connected to everyone and everything.
  4. I embrace the unknown.
  5. I am open to receiving signs from the Universe.

Are you ready to elevate yourself to new heights?

Let’s create your Lifestyle Perfected together. You have 2 options:

  1.     I lead a Lifestyling program called Lifestyle Perfected Mastermind. The program is for high vibration unicorns and curated by application, if you’d like to be considered please apply here.
  2.     Are you a company founder and interested in one on one Lifestyling? I partner with 5 clients at a time. Please read about the program and if it feels right for you, apply here.