
Golden hour with this golden tribe 3 years ago I left my 24 year

By August 7, 2017December 10th, 2024No Comments

Golden hour with this golden tribe 

3 years ago I left my 24 year established life in California for an adventurous existence. 
Since then each month I've traveled to a new place or revisited a place I've been. I rent a home 
I'm not sure why I'm doing this, however its my current flow and I love it.

I used to get lonely because I didn't have a set group of friends each place....that has fallen away into trusting and feeling I will be connected with new and beautiful people each place I go. 
My context for community has become global 
I know every friend used to be a stranger so I embrace the "stranger" with an open heart and arms
I've found peace and opportunity in spending more time with myself and generating how I want to feel from within

Much love to everyone who's made it so magical along the way. 
I love you tribe ️