
Focus on feeling good doing what you and the universe will conspire to support you️

By November 13, 2017No Comments

Focus on feeling good doing what you and the universe will conspire to support you️ "
Or we can choose to:
"Rise and grind"
"Work hard so one day I can..." It's really whatever we prefer to believe 

I was living in New York City sitting next to the stream at Storm King sculpture park and a frog pulled up next to me and the communication I got from it was: "Nadav it's time for you to go live in nature"

It might sound cray (Yes I was sober) and it took me 9 more months to muster up the courage to listen to my froggy friend, however I bought a one way ticket to Costa Rica. 
It was one of the best things I ever did. My dear friend the prolific @aleksa calls it #Rewilding...coming back to what we are...nature 
So I rented a simple beautiful beach house, cooked, surfed and created from my hammock everyday.... And you know what else I did?
- We generated $500,000 in sales that quarter, our largest month ever at that time
- I bought a small building in LA from that hammock and sold it 6 months later at a 20% return, all done remotely with the help of an aw some team.
- I was asked to write a chapter on receiving in my friend Jolie's book from that hammock - I met two of my favorite people @nickwarner and @eldad during that time 
I wasn't sure it was all possible but I wanted it to be and I believed it could be... So here I am back in the jungle beaches of Costa Rica until May ready for the abundance to flow, living barefoot, creating more goodness for the world with Lifestyle Perfected, surf everyday and follow my bliss 
And I encourage you to follow yours, illogically if you have too. All the good things will happen. 
I'm here to talk it through if you need me

I love you ️ #